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Photography is always an integral part of web design, but unfortunately, we are accustomed to seeing lots of snappy stock or paid photos every day. Annoyed, right? Hence, I decided to figure out sources that solve this barrier and finally did it. Today I’m so excited to introduce 15 awesome websites that supply FREE stock photos. Keep reading and the surprise is waiting for you at the end.

Published in Tips & Guide
Wednesday, 09 November 2016 00:00

7 Web Design Predictions for 2017

Wow, time’s flying! 2016 is coming to the end and 2017 is coming soon. It’s time to think about next year. Nowadays, more websites exist than before, so your site needs to say on the cutting-edge; otherwise, it will be falling behind the competition. Here are some of my predictions of web design in 2017. Let’s see what we will see more in the next year:

Published in Tips & Guide