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file Problems with responsiveness, scrolling, and font colors

5 years 2 months ago #25757 by Kimberly Huff
First let me say, I love the concept of this extension. Unfortunately, I am having some issues getting it to working correctly and I have already paid for it. I probably should have checked to see if there was a demo to play with first.

So, problem #1: The backgorund image is not responsive and is nearly completely cut off at the bottom while using my desktop. If it going to get cut off anywhere, I'd rather it be on the right and keep the height at 100%. Now, on my phone it does look better, but on my phone the text it too small read.

Problem #2: If a person tries to scroll... which is the normal behavior of most visitors, the scrolling is not responding correctly. For example, if I scroll down once it goes to the about page, and then again it goes to the next page, but when I get to the login, it immediately bounces back up to the top of the page. The only way I can get it to land on the login page is if I use the icons on the left. Is there a way to turn off this weird scrolling activity?

Problem #3: It is impossible to see the form boxes where you fill things out and I can't find where you edit the colors.

Problem #4: Font! They are extremely inconsistent. I selected the font I wanted, Lato, and although the headings seem correct, most of the text you type up yourself and the address you enter under contact looks like Times New Roman. However, if I look at this info on my phone, the font in those areas look correct. But on my desktop, the font is clearly Times New Roman.

Here is the URL: www.infinitycrafts.net

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5 years 2 months ago #25777 by HaiND
Hi Kimberly Huff
Thank you for feedback us
You can send information login back-end via email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I will check all problem for you soon

Best Regards

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