Hi Mzlaki,
Hi Libertyadmin,
1, You want to disable preloader:
You need to add the following code in the custom.css file.
The path of custom.css file.
.ip-header {
display: none;
If the custom.css file doesn't exist in the css folder, please create it and add the above code.
2, You want to edit the preloader:
We put the code of preloader in "header.php" file (from line 187 to end).
<div class="ip-header">
<div class="ip-logo">
<img class="img-responsive preloaderLogo center-block" src="images/phoenix/logoWhite.png" alt="preloader">
<div class="ip-loader">
<svg class="ip-inner" width="60px" height="60px" viewBox="0 0 80 80">
<path class="ip-loader-circlebg" d="M40,10C57.351,10,71,23.649,71,40.5S57.351,71,40.5,71 S10,57.351,10,40.5S23.649,10,40.5,10z"/>
<path id="ip-loader-circle" class="ip-loader-circle" d="M40,10C57.351,10,71,23.649,71,40.5S57.351,71,40.5,71 S10,57.351,10,40.5S23.649,10,40.5,10z"/>
<!--end preloader-->
Also, you can change the center image on preloader:
You need to change the path of this image:
<img class="img-responsive preloaderLogo center-block" src="images/phoenix/logoWhite.png" alt="preloader">
3, You want to change the background of preloader:
You need to add the following code in the custom.css file.
The path of custom.css file.
.ip-header {
background: #1d1d1d;
If the custom.css file doesn't exist in the css folder, please create it and add the above code.
Then you can change the color code "#1d1d1d;" to color code you want.
Hope It can help you!
Please check again and feedback for me.
Best Regards,