#1. Up-to-date Flat Styling 

JUX timetable offers a modern and flat interface that create a modern look by flexible customizations in colors, Header of the schedule, time slot, background, etc.  

#2. [Exclusive] Image Background of Schedule  


Exclusively, the JUX timetable allows you using the image as the background of schedule instead of the different colors only. So, the schedule will be more special and reasonable with the content that the schedule wants to show. 



#3. Multiple View Options 

Viewing your timetable now is so flexible and attractive with JUX timetable. Particularly, you can get view options of the timetable in daily, monthly, and weekly. 


#4. Easily Controllable Backend

The Joomla timetable extension gives you clear and various option to customize the schedule concerning whatever you want with ease. You get tons of options on each sections as Organizers, Events, Classes, Trainers, and even advanced options. 


#5. Event Pop-up 

A schedule should display only the important info, but you might have a lot of other useful details for your visitors. Therefore, each class accepts individual text and images that can be displayed in a pop-up window. Moreover, we include in this Joomla module 16 pop-up styles for your own use.


Final Thoughts 

Joomla timetable extensions is a rich field to take a deep dive into with a large number of users. Joomla developer must follow the trend and create modern and flexible Joomla timetable which easily integrate into the Joomla site. JUX Timetable is an advance Joomla timetable that is worth with the time you spend on.