Could you kindly assist me with some small irritations?
1. To fix the Testimonials carousel animation for something has gone wrong when I tried to change values;
2. To review the featured projects and projects modules for they load every time a random number of categories;
3. To Revise the Services page for the icons don't show on picture number 4 and 6, therefore resulting to bad text format and ugly fragments of counting (04/06; 06/06).
One more detail if that would be doable. We also bought the jux slider and I was wondering if there is any possible way to modify that one to show vertically on phones and compact mobile devices.
Hello Doychinov,
Thanks for choosing our product.
About your problems, I checked it.
However, you can send me your account via PM? I'll check it in backend.
Thank you very much!
I would be really grateful if you could fix the missing icons on Services web page.
Is there also a way to get rid of the automated counting 01/06, etc, or at least to get it aligned well because now that I have added additional text it is all over the place, especially on the mobile version (phone format)?
Gratitude for your support and for fixing the Testimonials arrows.
The issue with Featured Projects module and Projects web page still persists.
About your problem, I fixed issue with Featured Project module and Projects page. To fix it, I update new version js.
If you have any questions, please contact us any time.
Thank you !