Running a business website, especially eCommerce web is not simple. To control web speed, loading image time, as well as to promote web on top of Google search, etc you have to do a lot of jobs to manage your site runs smoothly. 
One factor that affected significantly on the web loading speed is Image. Therefore, I have made an infographic which collected all basic tips to help you optimize your site's images and also to support it better in promoting on Google search.

Published in Tips & Guide
Wednesday, 21 October 2015 00:00

[Infographic] 10 Joomla Security Tips

In our previous articles, we have shown you some important Joomla Tips for newbies but that was just a small part when using Joomla. One of the must do job before getting your site worked is check out all the secure info and make sure your site already be secured at the highest level. 

Published in Tips & Guide