We have the latest version of the extension on Joomla 4.4.1
When saving the module, we getting the message: " Save failed with the following error: The content exceeds the allowed limits"
And some settings changes are saved, others are not, it is random.
This is affecting the functioning of the module on the front-end also.
Additionally, can we have two instances of the extension on the same page, we have one partially working and the other is not working at all. This may be due to settings not saving.
We have checked this with the J4 default Cassiopeia template and get the same error. So it is not anything to with the template.
We also changed the the maximum content length as per the previous post we found on the JUX forum:
Thank you for contacting us.
I have checked and fixed that issue on your site when I updated the latest version of Joomla.
Now it works fine. Please recheck it.
However, when using Joomla Articles as the content, if we have Articles that are not connected to a Menu Item, the Article is not opened in a new page but loaded on the same page as the content slider.
For example on the website homepage , at the top of the page is a single Article as content We have linked this to a Menu Item. When the image is clicked, it goes to the correct page.
At the bottom of the home page we have a content scroller displaying several Articles from a Category. If you click on them, they load on the home page content area.
Was this how the module always behaved?
Last edit: 1 year 2 months ago by Simon. Reason: More detail - extension partially working
For the article link, we use the same method to get the link as the Joomla content. You should create a hidden menu item for the category as you want.
That will help you fix the issue.
I have crated a menu item for category: Publications:
Now it will link to the article details as you want.
Please recheck it.
Just purchased this extension and have same issue - can't even configure the module to display any content won't let me save. Have latest Joomla 4 version and same v4 module version?