Hello have updated to new version. I have a video of 2: 36 seconds. What happens is at the end of the video the video background cuts out 3 seconds of the video until 2:33 and replays the video again. How can I get it to play until the end 2:36 seconds and then replay again?
Hi 2fast2hot,
Thanks for contacting us and choosing our product!
About your question with jux background video. The video cut out last 3 second for don't display replay button. If you want to show all video duration you can change it in:
Step 1: Go to path {root}/modules/mod_jux_background_video/assets/js then open file jquery.mb.ytplayer.js
Step 2: Go to line 1071 chan - 3 to - 0 to fix it
Hope this help!
i have also this issue now that video will be cutted for last 2 or 3 seconds. Unfortunately i cannot find any Value equal 3 at the line 1071 or in nearest lines. Was it mooved?
Can you provide me new position or new fix for this issue?
Hello. I have the same problem. The background image shows for 3 seconds before the full-screen background video starts. And it does so on every loop which is annoying. The video should loop smoothly with no background stop-over. How can I fix this?
Hi Bamce.
I'm sorry for reply late.
Because You reply on the topic that is another person created.
I lose your question.
Please give me link your site and your account of the administrator via mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I will check it for you again.