Hi 2fast2hot,
thanks for contacting us and choosing our product!
About your problem with jux background video. Youtube has just upgrade to API v3. So please download latest version to get bg video working fine. If after update you can't get it work please pm me your site url and admin account. I'll check and fix it for you asap!
Hi 2fast2hot,
Thanks for your feedback!
I checked your site and see have problem with server configuration:
Warning: file_get_contents(): https:// wrapper is disabled in the server configuration by allow_url_fopen=0 in /usr/www/users/sesafa/Test1/modules/mod_jux_background_video/elements/juxadditems.php on line 307 Warning: file_get_contents(https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/videos?id=azV0Y7v6wsg&key=AIzaSyCbSrMgXhG6gLE5HZKvbvIB7ixc49vqhjQ&part=snippet,contentDetails,statistics,status): failed to open stream: no suitable wrapper could be found in /usr/www/users/sesafa/Test1/modules/mod_jux_background_video/elements/juxadditems.php on line 307
So please contact your hosting provider to enable file_get_contents() function by change allow_url_fopen=1
Note: Now module saved your video but It don't display because the bug above. If you can't change server setting you can select all options and add video playlist latest. Video list will saved and background video working fine!
Hope this help!
Hi 2fast2hot,
Thanks for your feedback!
I checked back-end and now you can saved the video. However when I checked background video yesterday at front-end. It's working fine. But now have problem with js on your site and our module can't work. Did you do anything news with your homepage? Now your site have bugs with jquery (you can press F12 to see it)
Please check and feedback!
Hello no we have done nothing new at all. From the beginning we've had this module in a component page builder and it worked fine, then all of a sudden it just stopped working. Even if we used the module without the page builder and gave it a position for module on homepage it would work., because we are using the jux video background not as a full screen but as a module position.This morning we have spent a couple of hours trying to find the fault and we have disabled menus, modules and removed video tabs but still it does not work...