The background image is not showing on mobile devices - and the video obviously also not! I used a regular jpg-image) - checkout here:
(header on frontpage) ... what's wrong here?
Thank you for contacting and choosing our product
I see conflicts caused by your style templates
please go to source code: ...\modules\mod_jux_background_video\tmpl\default.php at line 108
$style_css .= "@media screen and (max-width:768px){ .jux-video-mobiles{background: url(" .JUri::base().$params->get("background_image") ."); } }";
$style_css .= "@media screen and (max-width:768px){ .jux-video-mobiles{background: url(" .JUri::base().$params->get("background_image") .")!important; } }";
Hope it will help you
That's working for mobile devices now - Thank you very much! Is it possible to also get the image background for the other devices (monitor, tablet) b/c the video takes some time to load on slower internet connections and the green background looks like an error for a while ... would be great if this would work!
Hi again
If you do not want the video and just want the wallpaper to appear
I will instruct you custom it
please go to source code: ...\modules\mod_jux_background_video\tmpl\default.php at line 108