How can I resize original logo? I wolud like to use a logo bigger than original. Now I have a 224x64 px and It's correct, but I see also a text under.
You can see at
Also, in homepage logo is smaller
Last problem is on tablet (iPad Air and other) wher logo is hidden but I would like to see it.
How can I fixed these problem?
Thanks for the answer. I Think that my iPad using a retina dispaly. So, i upload retina logo logo2x.png, but I don't see it.
Where is correct folder to upload retina logo?
Thanks for the answer. I Think that my iPad using a retina dispaly. So, i upload retina logo logo2x.png, but I don't see it.
Where is correct folder to upload retina logo?
Hi Matteo.
Retina logo and mobile logo had the same functions. You can use a mobile logo or a retina logo because the bootstraps get one of them.
If you want to display retina logo, I can custom for you.
You can refer " helix framework" with this link:
Hi Matteo.
Please give me link your site and your account of the administrator via mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I will custom it for you.
Thank you so much for empathy