Just bought the menu extension, after using the megamenu in the past.
One thing I noticed is that all CSS is still in the /modules/mod_jux_megamenucss3 folder. Nowadays, it's good practice when developing for Joomla to place all assets in the /media folder. Google likes to read your css and js nowadays. If the css/js is in /media//mod_jux_megamenucss3, that's easy to do with a .htaccess file. In the modules folder this is a lot more work. The second advantage is that the content in /media can be overridden.
And the same point as another poster, why have 7 CSS files loaded? It's good practice to have as little CSS files as possible, seven is a lot and quite a lot of work to bring back to one file.
Hi Antonie,
Thank you for your comments:
We were not to JS and CSS in the media because the media library of Joomla. we do not want to manipulate it. We lay multiple CSS files. let the correction of simple or custom. because there are so many customers they want to edit. if we do not divide the work into smaller pay editing difficult. hope you can understand that.
Best Regards,
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