is there a possibility tu use 2 different CSS Style? I want to use the JUX Megamenu twice on my webpage - samt time 2 menus on 2 different positions. So my question:
The fist menu should hav a padding -as shown on the code:
#megamenucss #js-mainnav.megamenu ul.level0 li.megacss span.megacss, #megamenucss #js-mainnav.megamenu ul.level0 li.megacss a.megacss {
cursor: pointer;
display: block;
line-height: normal;
margin: 0;
padding: 12px 15px;
text-decoration: none;
The second menu should NOT HAV this padding. So my question: how can I make this! If i chage the code, padding changes for both!
Dear Sonecomm.
Thanks you for using product our,
1. Do You want use 2 megamenu modules on 1page. and you want use other style for each module.
1st module you want to use padding, 2nd module you don't want to use padding?
2. Are you using module version? You can give me link your site and your account of administrator. I will check it,