Just purchased your application. I like it in its simplicity and might be one of the most unique megamenu solution among Joomla extensions.
However, it contains in my opinion couple of critical bugs.
I use the latest Joomla, PHP 7.2 and Helix ultimate template.
1. Aliases are broken as they don't show in SEF format. If the menu item is an alias then a it doesn't use a format e.g. domain.com/myname and instead shows it's real address domain.com/?Itemid=2676.
This has been reported already here:
and I assume that you fixed but never updated in your download version 1.0.2
2. Links don't obey the Access Levels assigned to menu items. They all show public. I found the solution that you already provided here
. That is great but why again didn't upgrade your download package with the fix.
I have couple requests and suggestions too.
Even though in my case the megamenu worked for me out of the box after replacing Helix native megamenu, I would like my new megamenu originally to be able to inherit the template style. That would include color, font-size etc.
My other request would be to expand an ability for menutems to drag&drop between levels too. That is one of the features that I liked in Maximenu CK.
Also, It would be very useful to add the ability for undo/redo. The only option exists is to bring back the menu to the original stage. That function deletes already saved work!
Last edit: 4 years 10 months ago by Dhn Group. Reason: website details
It seems however that his build broke the ability for menu items to get placed into the columns. In the backend it looks fine but it does not work at the front page.
sorry i don't understand the problem, can you describe the problem in more detail or send me a picture of the problem via: prnt.sc/
I will check it for you soon