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file Price button / Register button

6 years 11 months ago #19734 by Marcelo
Hi I would like to know how to hide the buttons for the prices and the payments.
Also, the Google Maps is not showing,
You can see it working here;

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6 years 11 months ago #19735 by HaiND
Thank you for feedback us
You want hide Register buttom
Please to go source code:
../components/com_jux_eventon/assets/css/event-detail.css and add code:
Hope it will help you satisfied
2: with problem Google Maps
You can send information login back-end via private or email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I will check it for you soon

Best Regards

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6 years 11 months ago #19764 by Marcelo
HI, Thank you, it works.
I already send the details via PM.

I have two more issues.
The read more from the Article is not working. The only article whom has the read more is this:

2.- There is some problem with a module, please see attached images.

Must be like this:

Thank you.

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6 years 11 months ago #19774 by HaiND
Thank you for feedback us
I check and see that our product does not cause any problems with your website
1: with the problem article has the read more
I checked 2 events as " Under The Spotlight – A Musical Showcase: ‘LOVE’ " and " Singles In The City Blind Speed Dating "
And the front-end is exactly the same as in the back-end
2: with the problem "SHARE THIS!"
I checked the modules "SHARE THIS!" and do not see anything

please check again and if still have problem,
You can describe the problem in more detail or send me one image of the problem

Best Regards

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6 years 11 months ago #19811 by Marcelo
1.- This article,
Has a read more on his content,

And in the front page of the events, it shows all the content.

2.- The Share This! this module is working good, but not with your component. Must be like the one you can see here;
Where you can see the social media logos.
On your component,
Are not showing the social media logos.

3.- Is it possible to change the layout of the events to be shown with this order?
1.- Title
2.- Date of the event
3- Venue for the event.
4.- Images.
5.- Information about the event.

4.- I still cannot see the maps on every event.

Please, if you use Skype, add me, I am under rebersu.

Thank you.

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6 years 11 months ago #19815 by HaiND
Thank you for feedback us
!: with problem descriptiop at page Grid events
I custom it for you, please check again
2: with the problem modules Share This!
On the "event" menu I do not show EventOn where I select articles,
and I saw "Share This!" Still not working
, I have selected the article and have nothing to do with Jux eventOn, but your modules are still not displaying, so I think that's because another extension caused the problem, not our product.
3: with problem custom order page detail
I custom it for you, please check again
4: with problem Maps
I don't see problem , You can describe the problem in more detail or send me one image of the problem
I will check it for you soon

Best Regards

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6 years 11 months ago #19817 by Marcelo
1.- Thank you.
2.- What you mean? The menu item is JuxEventOn in the menu.
3.- Thank you.
4.- I created the Venue for the island Anguila. And on the front page doesn't show the map with this venue. Like you show on your demo site;

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6 years 11 months ago #19818 by HaiND
Thank you for fedback us
2: with the problem Share This!
Now go to the "Events" menu and select another component, such as Joomla, instead of selecting event with the grid display type you will see, even if you do not use EventOn, at the "events" page. The "Share This" module does not work either
Hope you understand
4: with problem Map
I do not understand what you are saying at the demo,
can you send me the problem image via:
I will check it for you soon

Best Regards

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6 years 11 months ago #19820 by Marcelo
2.- The module is working, you can see it below on all the others articles of the site, for example here:
or here
In the only component that is not working, is in yours, like here:
or here
4.- On your demo site,
do you see the google map?
Well, on my site, it´s not showing the map.

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6 years 11 months ago #19840 by HaiND
Thank you for feedback us
1: I want you to install the "Share This! " modules on this page so that
I can clearly see that it's showing up well on all pages except for our component page.
2: with problem Maps
You can send the image you see Maps to the demo for me through the image link up below
I will check it for you soon

Best Regards

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