i would like to change frontend labels like "LOAD MORE" button and picture counters "1of 20". Language.inis OI found only changed backend labels.
I think it could be this line to edit: <a href="#" class="load-more" data-limit="20" data-offset="20"> Load More</a>. I think it´s basic knowledge.
THank you for your help
Last edit: 6 years 11 months ago by Achim Kohl. Reason: add subject
Thank you for feedback us
Our more load button can translate but I do not know why you did not find the place to change
you can send information login supper admin, I will install an extension and check code for you soon
thank you for your feesback. I tried to edit "en-GB.mod_jux_portfolio_pro.ini" several times without success.After deinstallation and reinstallation of JUX PPro it worked as I ecpected.
On mobile view there´s a link problem. The Overlay/icon links to detail pages and videos will not open. Large controllers are obsolete and don´t work (only spinner). Open up the lightbox or start the videos wouöd be enough like on larger displays.
Thank you.
Thank you for feedback
1: with problem load more
I see you have translated it
2: with prolem on mobile click detail
I check and still see it work fine
You can describe the problem in more detail or send me one image of the problem
I will check it for you soon