Hi, I'm trying K2 Megamenu and it looks very nice.
I have 2 issue:
1- When I activate the module it start with my root category of K2 (Products). I would like to hide the root category and just show sub-categories on the left menu (vertical). I search but I don't find where I can choose it. A solution can be show "group" for root category but I can't set it on "yes", it is active only for sub-category. Why?
If I have more than 1 K2 category, how can I choose which category I want?
2- When I activate module and I saved, once enter in module setting again an error message appear:
Notice: Undefined index: id in /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/sito1/modules/mod_jux_k2_megamenu/includes/menu/k2megamenu.php on line 176
What can I solve it?
Last edit: 10 years 1 month ago by geggo. Reason: add part
Dear geggo
1. You can hide category that don't display on My module. Please view image attachment
2. If is ' undeffined ', that only warning and don't affect to module.
Best Regards,
Huyen Tran
Thanks a lot.
I already tried o set "Display" but it's not the solution.
In fact, if i click "Display" on No, also sub-category become hidden.
In my attachment you can see how I'm saying.
Right way would be the tab "Group", but it work only for sub-category. How can you see in pic the tab "Group" is disabled for root category.
Is it normal?
Sorry for my english, I hope you can help me, I really want use this module!!
I tried to remove root category and finally I can show only sub categories.
I want modify order of menu. I don't know how it choose the order, but I need to modify it.
In pics you can see current order.
How can I modify it?
Hi, thanks for the video. I understand how to move categories but the problem is:
1- The list of categories in K2-Category is not the same to the module menu. You can see in image that the order of categories in K2--Categories, for example, show "Atomizzatori" and "Kit Mia" before "Accessori" and "Liquidi", instead in the module and front-end "Accessori" and "Liquidi" are shown before "Kit Mia" and "Atomizzatori".
2- If I try to move in K2-Category "E-liqudi" before "Accessori" the order in module change but inverse, "Accessori" is shown before "E-liquidi".
3- So I can choose right order for Categories. I don't know what is the problem.
4- I Have another problem: I can't change colour. I tried to change all color in module but in front-end is always the same. You see in image I choose colour red but in front-end is still blue.
Maybe is cause for the error you can see in module pic?
Maybe the colours depend from the template?
How can I solve this?
Thanks Huyen, I solve it. I just reorder k2 categories list with botton in image and all categories changed in same order of Mega Menu. Then finally work correctly and moving 1 category it apply righe in MegaMenu.
i hope it can help others .
A question about color:
I discover with inspector that elements I would change color are not active like you see in pic. This is the cause I can't change it, neither in module menu, neither in default.css
You know why?
In other point, like border-radius, it is active with inspector and in fact I can change it in css but not in module backend.
Dear geggo !
You speak the problem but I can understand it. But If I don't check your website, I will don't find because for error
Please give ticket and I will check it.
Best Regards,
Huyen Tran