even though this problem seems to occur frequently, I haven't found a solution in the FAQ that works for my problem. Please check the mobile version of:
I tried with an older version of the Mega Menu as well as with the new CSS-only version: the submenus won't show. I tried several hacks in the CSS, deactivated several plugins, tried the jquery-easy-plugin ... no chance. Please help...
b.t.w: the very old version would work, but is not compatible with an extension thats causing a JS confilct on the respective page.
Last edit: 8 years 9 months ago by martin. Reason: addendum
Dear Huyen,
have you got my PM? I haven't seen any improvement of the problem yet. Could you please inform me, as the customer would like to publish the site asap.
Thanks a lot,
Hi Martin.
I am sorry. I don't get your information. Please give me link your site and your account of administrator via private message or mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. again. I will check it for you.
I see you could fix the problem - Thanks! Could you please let me know where/what the problem exactly was? I spent hours and hours but couldn't find out...
Thanks again,
Hi Martin.
You try to turn off bootstrap in advance tab of Megamenu module.
If it still doesn't works. Please send for me information of your site. I will check it for you.