My Joomla folder media/template is growing (now 889MB) and is full of custom-231-xxxxxxxx.css files like custom-231-1f59437f.css This file contains the css-code of /public_html/modules/mod_jux_megamenu/assets/css/stylec/custom-231.css (9762 bytes)
I am using JUX megamenu.
Every day this file is copied 50...120 times and placed in above mentioned dir with another name. So my site is running out of space!
Why is this and what could I do?
Joomla 3.6.5
Last edit: 8 years 1 day ago by Nico. Reason: new info after trying to solve problem
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Is your site using the "Cache"?
Please try. Go to modules -> mod_jux_megamenu -> includes -> css.php
line 235 was edited following image I sent
I am not using 'cache' in Joomla. I also changed the file modules -> mod_jux_megamenu -> includes -> css.php
as described and test it again. There is still one new file being made and placed in 'media/template' maybe the last one?
I will check later this day.
It looks like there is a pattern, if there is no new custom-231-xxxxxxxx.css placed within 15 minuntes, then the next has a time stamp exact 15 minutes later then the last one, like: 23:44:45 and 23:59:45
And another pattern, sometimes there is exact 5 minutes between timestamp of new file.
I am checking my site with UptimeRobot every 5 minutes. Could this trigger something?
See also picture: