As animation:
Please go to .../mod_jux_megamenu/tmpl/default.php and fine line 43 to 45 as below and comment them :
-moz-animation:'.$navigation_animation.' '. $animation_duration .'ms ease-in ;
-webkit-animation:'.$navigation_animation.' '. $animation_duration .'ms ease-in ;
animation:'.$navigation_animation.' '. $animation_duration.'ms ease-in ;
Ok, there is no more animation but now I can't reach the submenu. When I go over the menu item, the submenu deploy but when I want to go to a submenu item, the submenu disappear !
There is still the problem with the submenu in mobile version who doesn't show.
@media screen and (max-width: 768px){
#js-mainnav.megamenu .js-megamenu{
#jux_memamenu103 #js-mainnav.megamenu .childcontent-inner-wrap{
position: relative!important;
NOTE: You are using old version, You can update new version on your site.
Thank you so much