Currently we have our Joomla menus showing the menu item based on the page u are on.
Can Jux do this, or do i need to create separate jux menus for every community?
i.e. our regional menu has hundreds of items, breaking down the region into communities. We purchased JUX in order to have a great menu on each community.
Can it display the links for just a community from the main menu or need it's own?
Can we also not use an actual menu?
i.e. Just like your demo: the top 'menu' would be a single homepage link with the rest just headings to open up more information below.
did i buy the wrong fricken menu?
I purchased JUX easy mega menu, but I needed JOOMLA MEGA MENU. Can we make a quick swap, as I have no time. I'll delete the easy MM.
Last edit: 6 years 1 week ago by Ducky. Reason: bought wrong product!!
Hi Ducky
if have any probelm You can send information login back-via email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I will check it for you soon