Good evening,
I have a request to make: I need that, in mobile devices, the images are loaded place in column one by one. This feature does not seem to be contemplated in the module settings. it is possible to realize?
I apologize for my bad English!!
Thank you in advance
Last edit: 8 years 9 months ago by John_R. Reason: Error
Hi Giovanni Righini
Thank you for contacting and using our product
About your problem, in style css, you find to tag have class "juxitem12" and edit with "width:100%"
Good morning and thank you for having responded. I applied the change you suggested to the file "style.css" (modules / mod_jux_metro_contents / assets / css / style.css -> the path is correct?) But I did not get the desired result. In fact the class "juxitem12" is repeated in many locations in the file and has never invoked alone. By inserting "width: 100%" in some positions the change also impacts on the desktop site and it is not good because it stacks images even on the desktop site. Do you have any other suggestions for me?
Hi Hi Giovanni Righini
Thank you for contacting!
i see again your problem, seemed to lack one css responsive,
you can add css to the file "style.css" (modules / mod_jux_metro_contents / assets / css / style.css in line 274 as follows:
@media only screen and (min-width: 320px) and (max-width: 860px){
.metro_contents .juxrow .juxitem12{
width: 100%;
Best regards