Thanking in advance for your reply, I have another question regarding the CSS3 PRICING TABLE and particularly the "Responsive Table Style 1" which is currently organized in 4 columns. Is there any chance to use only 3 columns (tables) with the same width, without empty space in the right side ? What is the parameter that allows this control ?
Dear Ocnarf54,
Thanks for contacting us and choosing our product!
About your question about CSS Pricing table of JUX Metro.
You can go to Content -> articles Manager -> choose articles named is CSS3 Pricing Table
We have 3 style of pricing table:
You can see class for each style as: colum-pricing, column_1, plan (Note: maybe you need click toogle Editor)
You can change each class to other class to get 3 or 4 columns
Hope this help!
Hi, thanks for your hint, but here you find the bad effect I have explained in the previous post. There is a gap at the right-side as if there is a fourth invisible column.
How can I sort-out ?
Best regards.
Hi, unfortunately I can't because I am locally developing the site, but I can post any file you need (e.g template.css, bootstrap.css, or the html file of the page).
Sorry for late response but I can't know details about the problem if I not check the code at back-end. So you can develop our site and when you published in on Internet I'll check it again and fix it for you!
Hi Ocnarf54,
Thanks for your reply!
You can easy fix it by following steps:
Step 1: Go to path {root}/templates/jux_metro/local/css/themes/gray/template.css
Step 2: Go to line 8465 then change width from 25% to 33.3333%;
The second way you can follow step 1 then create new file name custom.css then paste this code into that file:
@media screen and (min-width: 992px)
.colum-pricing {
width: 33.333%;
Hope this help!