Hi Atkinson,
Thanks for contacting us and choosing our product!
About your problem with jux news wall I checked your site and you can fix it by following steps:
Step 1: go to path {root}/modules/mod_jux_news_wall/assets/css then open file template_4.css
Step 2: Go to line 11 and comment or delete this code: width: 100%;
Maybe you are using old version and have this bug. Please download our latest version here to have many options and fixed almost bugs:
Hope this help!
If you like our product please write a review and vote all points for us at:
it will help us very much to develop our product! Many thanks!
Hi Atkinson,
Thanks for your reply!
I checked your site and make new version fixed this problem. Please check and feedback.
If you want new version to install on local site please email me: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
or download in your account.
Please vote for us with link above if you like our product
P/s: you should read document to get the best display of jux news wall here:
then click documentation button