Thank you. After i finished the work on that module i will vote for it. But there is another porblem with the news wall.
After i solved this, i also have to purchase the responsive slider and get it to work.
But for now, i was able to configure the module in the backend and now have an error in the frontend.
1. The category buttons are not working:
When i show joomla content, i can see them, but if i click on it, no articles were displayed. If i switch to display K2 content, the category buttons are not shown - only a little empty grey square is shown.
The search function works with joomla content, but is not shown if i display K2 content.
2. The View More button is not working properly.
Depending on what content is shown on a page it loads more articles or not.
I tried to figure it out and have seen a reproducable behavior.
If some component is published in the center content area - it works and load more articles.
If a article text (doesnt matter if joomla or K2 article) is shown in the center content, it doesnt load more and only the animated squares above the button are shown.
you can see a site where it runs with joomla content and on
a page where the newss wall is configured to K2 items are shown. So you can look on it if you like. Ive seen in other threads where the not working view more function was discussed, you asked for a site link and admin login. So i already sent you the data to your e-mail.
Thank you in advance.