The navigation from one image to the next is not working. Not at all on the first image and if you click the second or third image and then 'Next' it goes back to the first image.
Hi, Chrisnz
Thank for contacting us!
I do not know the cause of this error
Please send me link of your site and your admin account via private message. I will check for you soon.
Can you give me the right adminsuper?
Your problem may be caused by jquery, I need to check on soucecode,
Or you can check by looking to NIVO-lightbox.js file: {root} /module/mod_jux_portfolio/assets/js/novo-lightbox.js
and find:
i = s.eq (o - 2);// line 66-> edit: i = s.eq (o - 1);
i = s.eq (o + 2);//line 74-> edit: i = s.eq (o + 1)
I checked for you!!
Next - Prev not working caused by jquery
I have fixed as mentioned above and it was back to normal operation
You can check back!