I have checked your site, I see the JUX Portfolio module still works fine on your site.
If yes, please give us some screenshot about your issue and give us your site admin. We will access your site to help you check the issue.
That's very strange, I had uninstalled the AdminTools, which are probably responsible for this. The remainder of the installation (for whatever reason), the htaccess in the admin directory, has now been deleted.
I apologize!
Regards, Uli
Last edit: 1 year 1 month ago by Uli. Reason: Test the hide-field
Please check and permit this file: modules/mod_jux_portfolio/elements/juximagefolder.php
We use this file to get the image from the image folder.
Please recheck it.
Thank you Jackie,
it was actually the installation of the AdminTools and the resulting customized .htaccess ... After adjusting this file, the module works again as usual. Thanks for checking and for pointing out the cause!