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file Error on loading page when tags are used

6 years 1 month ago #24293 by Horlbeck
I found the whole page cannot be loaded, as soon as tags are used in items.
I placed a portfolio module at front page so I'm not sure if the module or the component crashes at the first moment. Thats why I disabled the module and the page gets loaded but when try to show the portfolio via component the same error occurs.

On loading the page the following error is getting displayed:

Cannot use string offset as an array

I use Joomla 3.9.2 and PHP 7.2

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6 years 1 month ago #24297 by HaiND
Hi Horlbeck
Thank you for feedback us
Please go to source code:...modules\mod_jux_portfolio_pro\tmpl\default.php at line 124 and add code:
$item->tags = array();

Hope it will help you
if still have problem, please contact us, pleased to assist you

Best Regards

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6 years 1 month ago #24310 by Horlbeck
Hi HaiND,

thanks for your reply. This hint fixed the issue for the module (and the list view of the component too) but the detail view (I use the gallery half width template) still has the issue. Where d I need to put the array declaration here?

Thanks for your answer

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6 years 1 month ago #24312 by HaiND
Hi again
in file: .. components\com_jux_portfolio_pro\site\views\item\view.html.php at line 57

$item = $this->get('Item');


$item = $this->get('Item');$item->tags= array();

Hope it will help you

Best Regards

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6 years 1 month ago #24322 by Horlbeck
Perfect, Thats it.
Trank you very much for your great Support.

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6 years 1 month ago #24327 by HaiND
Hi again
if still have problem, please contact us, pleased to assist you
Hope you will continue to use other JoomlaUX products

Best Regards

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6 years 1 month ago #24346 by Horlbeck
Hi HaiND,
sorry but I found one more issue regarding the tags.
Displaying items with tags in the module is working fine and displaying the initially items in the component (the defined number of items to be displayed initially) works fine too.

But I found the "Load more" action to display the next some items is looping in an invinitely loop when a item with tags has to be load. Removing the tags from the item solves this issue.
So there seems to be another part of code to be modified for tag handling.

Furthermore I display a filter based on categories in the component view. When "All" is selected, the "Load more" is loading the next defined number of items (in my case I have 3 columns and add 6 items, so two lines are added) but when a category filter is selected, the number of added items in the overview differs. It seems to try to load all items but it displays only the number of items fit the selected category. This could lead to a situation, no further items are displayed, when the next 6 items are not part of the selected category. (Hope it's clear to you what I mean)

So it seem the filtering is adapted after loading the the next number of items but displaying should be done after filtering items to get the selected number of items displayed.

Hope you have a quick solution for this too ;-)

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6 years 1 month ago #24351 by HaiND
Hi again
Sorry for late reply, we have 1 holiday weekend
Please give me link your site and your account of administrator via private message or mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I will check it for you soon

Best Regards

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