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lock Love it, but....

12 years 6 months ago - 12 years 6 months ago #9 by Patrick Toulze
I really like your Portfolio. (just as excellent as your Slideshow, Videos, responsive and cool) fantastic..

I have some question/suggestion.

1— I wonder were the first caption presented come from?

Attachment first-caption.jpg not found

This is the most important text presented to viewer. That text is the one that bring sense or direction to the picture. This is the text that should bring the viewer to click or not on the picture or follow the link.

The caption here seem to be without any control (color/font/position/size/opacity...) (I’m maybe wrong), seem to come from the title of the item itself. I think you should have lot more control on it...(color/font/position/size/opacity...)

I will personally go with a different (syze/typo/color) (controllable) Title and description, even being able to use the editors here will be great.

2— The Rollover ? — I’m confuse by this, — each item have 2 links and the choice itself is confusing for the visitor
a) some kind of read more that bring more information on the clicked item
b) an url

I think you should have the choice here in the parameters — personally I will use 99.9% of the time only one link — Sometime a lightbox readmore can be cool or a url link is good to. But I will probably never use the double link because it split the decision of the viewer and this is not good...

Personally I will go with an over effect on the total image itself (without icons) people have tendency click anywhere on the image and be send (as a choice) to the lightbox ( a read more url can be inserted there (can be the same as the URL link itself)....

I will suggested to replace the link icon with the same url choice you have now and being automatically use as a readmore in the lightbox or as a direct link when clicking the main images...

In the parameters the only think you have to choose, it’s if you want to use the lightbox or not and insert an URL or not.
• You can use the lightbox with or without URL readmore
• You can bypass the lightbox and go directly to an url
• No more split choice
Last edit: 12 years 6 months ago by Patrick Toulze. Reason: cleanup
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12 years 6 months ago #13 by khanhnq
Replied by khanhnq on topic Love it, but....
Thank for your advice, ( just like for the Slideshow :) )

1— I wonder were the first caption presented come from?
--> Yes, it come from the item's title. But I do have different view about it, I think the picture itself is what bring the viewer to click it or not. And I don't want the difference style of text for each item affect the layout of this gallery. So I think it doesn't need to change. For now, you could manually edit our css for the style you want.

2— The Rollover ? — I’m confuse by this, — each item have 2 links and the choice itself is confusing for the visitor
a) some kind of read more that bring more information on the clicked item
b) an url
--> I also have difference view here. I think the lightbox readmore is a must have and the external link is optional. If you don't input url, the external link don't show up. Maybe I'm wrong, if there's more suggestion from customer, I'll reconsider my opinion.
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12 years 6 months ago #16 by Patrick Toulze
Replied by Patrick Toulze on topic Love it, but....
The Caption:
The placement of the caption in the center is Ok but, in a design point of view, it take a lot of the attention away from the picture itself because it’s right there in the center..

For using something else than just the title for the caption, I suggested this to add flexibility for to the component usability, but I guess having some control on the style (color, opacity, Typo) and placement of the caption will go a long way.

The Rollover

I also have difference view here. I think the lightbox readmore is a must have and the external link is optional. If you don't input url, the external link don't show up. Maybe I'm wrong, if there's more suggestion from customer, I'll reconsider my opinion.

I don’t know if you really understand me here but it’s exactly what I think to, but I will present it in a less confusing way...

• Forget the double Icons on rollover but keep an alternate image as rollover and maybe a basic css rollover (or only one of your icons) if alternate image is not use to indicate to users to “Click to read/see more link”

• in the module you keep the same 2 choice
• To put an URL or Not
• The Description


Exact same look than now... When a user mouseover he see that clicking the image will bring more infos by the rollover effect (alternate image or ONE of your Plus or Link icon) (here I will put the link on the full image, not only the icon)

When the image is click...
• If an URL was chosen without any Description In the module you go directly to the url choosen (a new window/same window choice will be great)

• If no URL was chosen and a Description is enter In the module you go to the exact same lightbox that you have now

• If an URL and a Description is enter, the existing Lightbox appear with a readmore button (think about language here) containing the URL enter in the module with (blank or same) .

Same exact thing that you have now, with the same possibilities, but the confusing double choice (read-more or URL) is completely eliminated. The user go in a linear way to go where you want and don’t have to go back to the first double choice to see everything.
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12 years 6 months ago #24 by khanhnq
Replied by khanhnq on topic Love it, but....

Exact same look than now... When a user mouseover he see that clicking the image will bring more infos by the rollover effect (alternate image or ONE of your Plus or Link icon) (here I will put the link on the full image, not only the icon)

When the image is click...
• If an URL was chosen without any Description In the module you go directly to the url choosen (a new window/same window choice will be great)

• If no URL was chosen and a Description is enter In the module you go to the exact same lightbox that you have now

• If an URL and a Description is enter, the existing Lightbox appear with a readmore button (think about language here) containing the URL enter in the module with (blank or same) .

Yes, you got some points. However, there is Main Image/Video for each item. Because it's a gallery so I want (it's my personal opinion) each item always has one Image/Video. Which mean that the we need the Lightbox whenever there's description or not. Also, when Lightbox appeared, you could move right or left to view other items, and I don't want some items don't show up.
Anyway, I will think of your idea when upgrade our JUX Portfolio.

Thanks for your suggestion.
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12 years 5 months ago #72 by Bruce Norman
Replied by Bruce Norman on topic Love it, but....
Would like to see option to remove text from the image and perhaps have the text (Title) show up when mouse-over.
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12 years 5 months ago #74 by Carl Uttley
Replied by Carl Uttley on topic Love it, but....
Hi Guys, This is a great extension and I'm certainly considering it for my next project. Before I do, can you confirm if there is a way to disable the social buttons, I've looked in the admin area and can't see any way to do this? Perhaps I'm missing it? Many thanks.
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12 years 5 months ago #77 by ngoctuoi
Replied by ngoctuoi on topic Love it, but....

carluttley wrote: Hi Guys, This is a great extension and I'm certainly considering it for my next project. Before I do, can you confirm if there is a way to disable the social buttons, I've looked in the admin area and can't see any way to do this? Perhaps I'm missing it? Many thanks.


Thank you for your question. In the extension we do have Disable social buttons function. Only in Demo we do not allow demo user to setup options for that.

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12 years 2 months ago #1011 by stepan Matena
Replied by stepan Matena on topic Love it, but....

brnorman wrote: Would like to see option to remove text from the image and perhaps have the text (Title) show up when mouse-over.

Yes would like to see this option too - is there a way how to disable item name to show over an image? It will look cleaner imo.

Next, I would like to have one click full size image access. ze. Now i need to click twice. (so disable rollover?)

Does it support local video files?

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12 years 1 month ago #1014 by ngoctuoi
Replied by ngoctuoi on topic Love it, but....
Hi Stepan,

Thank you for your post. We'll add the option to disable displaying item's title in our future version of JUX Portfolio.

About the rollover, we developed it so when viewing on iPad, users can use & click to view full screen.

Currently, JUX Portfolio only support video links, not video uploaded directly to your local.

Bets regards,
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12 years 3 weeks ago #1031 by Patrick Gaulin
Replied by Patrick Gaulin on topic Love it, but....

brnorman wrote: Would like to see option to remove text from the image and perhaps have the text (Title) show up when mouse-over.

I wish the same" I Would like to see the images not the text.

Another feature requests:

Make it possible to use the left /right arrow of the computer keyboard to change images in the lightbox. Now we have to clic each time, nad the navigation button are note at the same place for each image.

Is it possible to close the lightbox by hitting the esc key of the computer keyboard?

It's a very great idea of extension. develop it to grow to the next level please.
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