Hi Wayne,
Thanks for contacting us and choosing our product!
I do not understand your problem. Can you describe in more detail, you want to add the "Slideshare" Where?, on social networks? Thanks
I went to the link you sent me but not sure I understand.
I couldn't see slideshare available in the demo. Is this something that you have created? If so how do I go about getting this new feature? Do I need to give you admin rights to get into cpanel?
Also, is it possible to have multiple tabs for vimeo - I have 4 seperate channels that I would like displayed on 4 seperate tabs on the home page. Suggestions? I had a quick look at the mod_jux_social_tabs.xml file and assume this is where any change would take place. I don't want to go playing around with things above my paygrade but is it something like changing one of the elements I am not using (like instagram) and replacing it with the same content from vimeo?
Cheers Wayne
Last edit: 9 years 3 months ago by wayne. Reason: update
I'm sorry. I can not send you our account. you can see our documents to configure, if you can not do. please send us an account, I'll help you configure. Thanks
I have installed your extension on the left hand side of page. It currently has 1 tab for facebook, twitter, vimeo and rss.
I am wanting to add multiple vimeo tabs as well as a slideshare tab. Is this possible ( I thought by your response it breeds that you have added the slideshare option?
Hi Stace70,
Sorry for the late reply,
I see you've changed the interface on site.
And I'm very sorry you. maybe I did not understand the problems and your questions. Did losing your time. Our products do not currently have the "Slideshare". I'll try to add it to the product.