I am having a problem with JUX Testimonial. It works fine and I have a layout that I like. The biggest problem though is that when I go to the page that displays the testimonial, it makes my menus disappear (they are still there in the background but they are now a very light gray rather than the dark blue.
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Choose About Us, What People Say About PDA
I am including a screen shot so you can see what is happening. The light gray menu should be the same dark blue as the drop-down.
Our members are older and will have difficulty seeing the menus if they are gray.
Other than that I absolutely love your module.
I have found that if I turn off Bootstrap my menus appear correctly; however I cannot have columns.
Also in the Component, there is no Page 2 indicator when you have a number of testimonials. I had to search for the ones that don't appear on page 1
Last edit: 10 years 3 months ago by Andrea Miller. Reason: Add New Information
I sorry for my delay.
This is conflict between bootstrap 2 and boothstrap 3 of Joomla. We are fixing this issue, and the newest version will be update in 16 or 17 November. The new version will advoid this conflict. Could you wait for us until that day?
Thank you for feedback. If you have other question, you can replay at here.