1) I can't remove navigation menu from the top bar or even replace it by Mega menu CSS.
In my main page, (Login page actually) I don't want any menus exept the footer. The only way I found is to put an empty menu....
In the same way, In other pages, I cant replace this menus by your mega menu extentions .... So i have no ideas about how to use CSS3 Megamenus here ...
Actually, what is the name of this position ? I even cant edit it like others positions. It's frustrating
2) the footer menu.
The menu appear vertically .... Can you tell me how to set it up horizontally ?
3)Custom CSS.
I would like the website boxed. An image in the background and white background for the content. I don't know either wich class I should use.
Also, in the documentation, i can see that it should be possible to add positions before the logo. (Head top social, head tommenu, etc). but I don't see any way to do it
I hope you can help me with that. t3 templates are really different than Warp6
Thx for your help
Have a good day
Last edit: 9 years 5 months ago by David Le Puil. Reason: I have found some answers by myself
Hi mdexcentreville,
Can you please clarify more for me about this issue? If possible, you can give me a screenshot so I can get it easier.
Please send me link of your site and your admin account via private message
I will try check bug for you soon
Thanks in advance!
Best regards,