actually I use categories for class Background color in the time schedule. is there a way to add a css class suffix to the individual classes?
so that the class item style is" background color by address" ?
background to this. I have five classrooms which are now created as addresses. for example, if the course is in room 1 the background colour should be blue. in room 2 green, in room 3 yellow, and so on. The whole thing is independent of the catergories, which I want to continue to use as before. It would be enough for me to have a css suffix for the background colour, e.g. cr1 (classroom1) cr2, cr3, etc.
I have edited the source code to help you add the class-id to each class on the schedule. You can use that class to customize the style as you want.
But it doesn't appear on the front end. I'm afraid have the cache on your site or server.
Please recheck it.
I have checked and added class-id to your schedule.
Now you can use the classname to style the class as you want.
Please recheck it.