Just put the schedule online of the classes, but the general overview of all classes isn't showing everything. (all lessens start as from 6/jan/2025, so select that date)
I have multiple categories and I think it doesn't show show a specific one. Also the images aren't appearing in the background. I see console error: "Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 ()"
When I click on a category and then back on All category.. then they appear all and also the background images of the classes.
When clicking on a class, a popup appears, but the image doesn't. (also 404 console error)
But.. if I renew the page so that it has the issue of missing background, then the image appears.
Mobile view has also some issues:
- next week/date button not working
- category filter isn't working
The schedule image background issue seems to appear again.
On 1st load it shows them all, but when filtering on the top categories they are gone... same 404 error.