I understand the problem, maybe the API is having a bit of a confusion, so the location is not correct, I hope you understand this and instead of entering the zip code, please enter the city name
I'm having an issue with entering the city name. For example, the city of Batavia is in multiple states, i.e., IL, NY, OH, IA, etc. The module will not allow me to enter the state.
you want to get the weather of each state?
weather the sub-table is bed like no difference
Hope you understand and look forward to receiving sympathy
I do not understand your answer. How can I tell the module which state I want for Batavia? For example, if I want the weather for Batavia NY, how will the module know that is the Batavia I want.
Yes, I can enter Batavia. But how does the module know if I mean Batavia Illinois, or Batavia New York? These are two different cities in two different states.