Hi, This is tutorial to custom price format of restaurant menu
1. Don't show price when price is 0:
Step 1: go to {root}/components/../helper then open file jux_resmenu.php
keep only this code in this function:
$price = self::getNumber($price);
return $price;
Step 2: custom in default.php file
- Go to line 54 and add code as below:
Hi I have just purchased and installed this but i followed your guide, can you be a bit clearer please. Below is the code that is currently in the file, can you tell me which part i need to replace please.
public static function formatPrice($params, $price = null)
if ($price == 0)
return JText::_('COM_JUX_RESMENU_FREE');
} else {
// 0: code, 1:sign
$price = self::getNumber($price);