18 Nov, 2015

The Joomla team has just released Joomla 3.5 Beta 1 on 7th November 2015 as a demo to prepare for the upcoming of Joomla 3.5 version.

So what new features Joomla 3.5 will bring to us? Let’s check out the list of features showed in Joomla 3.5 Beta 1 to find out what we might get in the next version of this CMS.

1. Update emails plugin

email update

Every time when Joomla update new features or fix bugs, it will not report to users automatically unless they login to backend and see the notification bar on top. So in this new version, the Joomla team might add a plugin which periodically checks for update Joomla! Version and it will email to Super Users of the site when one update is founded.

2. Plugin to gather basic anonymized data as an opt-out feature

This plugin has been created to help the Joomla Team has better understand the sort of environments and platforms that people are using to install and run Joomla.
Therefore in the new version, this plugin will be enable by default to send the stats back to Joomla controlled central server. However, users can disabled this plugin any time if they don’t want to share their information.

So what statistics the Joomla Team will get when using this plugin? It will collect anonymously the PHP, Database engine and version, Joomla version, and sever operating system.

3. Count items

count items

This feature adds the number of published, unpublished, and trashed articles in the Category Manager for the articles, banners, contact and newsfeeds. 

4. Added site and admin links to module user status

user status

Adds switches to the mod_status module to show/hide links to the frontend and backend of the site.

5. Add a user CSS file to Protostar

Adds a check to see if the file user.css exists and loads the file to allow user customization. => This could be a good solution if it can apply for all template.

6. TinyMCE drag and drop images

drag & drop image

Adds the ability to drag and drop images into the tinyMCE editor (text box area) that comes with Joomla.

module insert

The editor tool bar also got new design with modernized skin and improved touch support.

The option to insert modules and links to other articles inside article content is also a good improvement in this new version. 

Schedule to release Joomla 3.5: (The date can be changed depending on their update after testing)

17th November – Joomla 3.5 beta 2

1st December – Release Candidate

8th December – 3.5 stable

If you want to help the Joomla Team and also our community, don’t hesitate to download the Joomla 3.5 beta and leave your comment by contact anyone of the PLT members.


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Lee Giang

Hello, I'm Le Giang.

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