Wednesday, 20 December 2017 00:00

Everything You Need to Know About Mega Menu

What is a Mega menu?

Most of the online stores, and especially eCommerce websites that offer many products under multiple categories and subcategories would not be a without help from their mega menus. So, what is a mega menu? A mega menu is a drop-down menu with multi-level expansions that lets you quickly come to the needed single menu or the deepest section of the main menu.

Published in Tips & Guide

Hello, August!

A better month is waiting for you :)

JoomlaUX lovers will fall in love with August when JoomlaUX team try to upgrade each product for the better user experiences. We deeply based on the customers' contribution and the trend in this year, our team will continuously improve our extensions in this month. As a kick start for the plan, new updates of JUX Portfolio Pro & JUX Mega Menu will is a big motivation for JUX extensions moving up.

Published in Updates
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