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map-pin Coming Soon using wrong social media & mobile time

9 years 11 months ago #3910 by AGab

So Coming Soon is showing up .. great! But, its choosing Google+ which I asked to HIDE and not using my Twitter. If I choose to show Google+ with Twitter than all three show up. My twitter will not show up although I designated it to

2) Can I make the social media icons in color?

3) When displaying on mobile phone, shows wrong count down days.. shows 99 days opposed to 46 days.

4) How do I change the opacity of the input email address & contact info? Its very faint on the page.

5) How do I continue to design my sight if I cannot see my actual home page?



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9 years 11 months ago #3934 by GDragon
Thanks for contacting us and choosing our product!
About your problem with jux coming soon I checked your site but I can't login back-end with account you give us!
1. I replied in other topic. We will fix it in next version
2. You can change color of social icon by style css
3. To fix wrong countdown you can fix it by following steps:
Step 1: Go to path {root}/plugins/system/juxcomingsoon/ then open file juxcomingsoon.php
Step 2: Go to line 187 then change code to:
$online_slide = $date->format('D F n Y g:i a');
4. You can change input color by style css
5. You can go to front-end with with user group can access. Please read the document for details!
Hope this help!

Best regards,

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9 years 11 months ago #3936 by AGab

Well I figured out how to change the opacity of the email register and login by modifying style. css code. Took a long time to do this. But, I still can't do the following:

1) How to display on FB, Twitter, etc., When I input my website, nothing appears. I need people to come to the page. No image appears, no website appears as when you input urls of other websites. I expected it to load on social media..

2) Where is the "Will be online" text?

Of course I read the documentation (not completely aligned with the current extension) over and over again. Please direct me because maybe I am missing something... But you should answer the questions on the forum so we as users won't have to waste time going back over again. I thought the purpose of forums was to get the answers immediately and get others the opportunity to research for answers.

Thank u.


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9 years 11 months ago #3940 by GDragon
Hi agabby,
1. The social media dislay only link to other site (not get contents from facebook,... to display)!
2. About Will be online text you can find it in translate sticky topic!
Step 1: Go to path {root}/administrator/language/en-GB then open file en-GB.plg_system_juxcomingsoon.ini
Step 2: Go to line 118 then change to the text you want
Hope this help!

Best regards,

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9 years 11 months ago #3941 by AGab

OK, I have released access with the information I provided early for you to check the back end. I will also check again the notes.. I went in and input the user ID #'s to login.. me as a Super User ID # but the same "Coming Soon" keeps loading.

I will double check.

Re: FB, Twitter, etc.. Are you saying that the page won't display on these social media sites when I input the URL? I also notice that you don't use LinkedIn as a social media option. Thanks


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9 years 11 months ago #3942 by AGab

THANK YOU SO MUCH for directing me to the file to change the :Will be Online" .. I would have never found this on my own. I really appreciate it. Now I will wait until you show me how to login the backend so I can continue designing my page.

I luv your extensions.. and have many websites to complete.. I get a bit frustrated.. when I have to take time to search.. I appreciate your time..


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9 years 11 months ago #3946 by GDragon
You must enter user group. Then if user in group have permission to login. You can login at front page.
To display linkedin more. please pm me and suggest an custom project. I can do it for you!

Best regards,

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9 years 11 months ago #3948 by AGab

Do you mean User group ID # or User Group name? In input the numbers as such: 1, 7, 8

1 = Public
7 - Administrator
8 - Super User

When I log in to the Coming Soon front end.. it just refreshes the page. Doesn't take me to the backend. I can access my back end by domain/administrator.. but where do I check how my site will appear while designing it without it routing me to the Coming Soon page? Thanks..


I will PM you as well re: LinkedIN. Thanks

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9 years 10 months ago #3959 by GDragon
Hi agabby,
Thanks for your feedback!
Coming soon plugin display only at front-end. So if you want go to back-end you must go to domain/administrator...
when you login in login section of coming soon page you can see front-end!
Hope this help!
Can you pm me your site url and admin account! I'll check it for you!

Best regards,

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9 years 10 months ago #3998 by AGab

Yes, I will send admin access again because it doesn't work for me. This is what I'm doing

1) Signing in domain/administrator

2) click on my website link

3) Takes me to Coming Soon page

4) Login at Login Page using my administrator credentials

5) Keeps me on the Coming Soon page.



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