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🌟 Massive Black Friday & Cyber Monday Sale: 50% Off Membership 🌟. Coupon code: 50%OFF
25 Feb, 2015

Hi Guys,

We are so excited to announce that Joomla Templates are now available on JoomlaUX with more than 20 amazing templates design.

As some of you guys might (or might not) know that we have built up and developed parallel 2 branded sites JoomlaUX and Nootheme since 2013 until now. After 2 years growing strongly, with thousand of customers, we decided to integrate 2 sites into 1 for better management and support. Therefore, all templates and extensions from Nootheme.com will be moved to Joomlaux.com

This huge change is also lead to the changes in our pricing table and you can learn more about that at here.
Please look carefully our pricing table and be awared 3 buttons at the top of the table, as you can see at the picture below:


We will have:

4 membership packages for Joomla Template
4 membership packages for Joomla Extensions
1 membership package for Joomla Developer (both template and extension)
For single template will cost 25€.

Stay in touch with us to get more updates about our extensions and templates!


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Lee Giang

Hello, I'm Le Giang.


  • Bonjour, J'ai acheté un standard member ship template . je ne peux pas telecharger le template Galiana - Restaurant Joomla 3 Template.

    Hello, I bought a standard template member ship. I can not download the template Galiana - Restaurant Joomla Template 3.
    thank you

  • I need a side extension that does not move down with menus. It has to stock in the same place . Which one do you recommend?

    • posted by jim
    • Tuesday, 03 March 2015 03:47
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