20 Sep, 2012

JUX Slideshow update (v1.0.1)

Download the latest version (1.0.1): JUX Slideshow


- Fixed bug: in some site, slideshow gets stuck on slide #1.
- Added missing language strings.
- Changed text in description button to "Read more".

11 Sep, 2012

JUX Slideshow: NEW & Noteworthy Extensions on JED

This is such a great message to JUX team because we know we have contributed one more awesome Joomla Extension to Joomla Community. The team has also received positive reviews from users which made us couldn’t be happier (Please visit our Forum to share your comments, ideas & reviews on JUX Extensions)

23 Aug, 2012

New extensions released: JUX Portfolio and JUX Slideshow

New JUX extensions have joined Joomla extension community! Take a look!

JUX Portfolio

JUX Porfolio helps you display images and videos with creative design.

23 Aug, 2012

Welcome to JoomlaUX

Thank you for visiting JoomlaUX, and especially, our blog. From this blog, you can get useful tips of using JoomlaUX extensions, how to utilize our site's functions, Discount/Special Promotion and other supportive contents.