Hi there,
Dalaco - New template has released with beautiful design and fully function for online store. Let's check it out now!
When people mention about SEO, there are likely specific ideas that come to mind. You might think about certain keywords or tricks that you have used in the past, but should have known the fact that a lot of changes in SEO happened over the past few years.
Hi Guys,
We are so excited to announce that Joomla Templates are now available on JoomlaUX with more than 20 amazing templates design.
Dear all JoomlaUX friends,
Vietnamese Tet Holiday is coming to town! This is one of the most important holiday in our country to welcome a New Year with New Peace, New Happiness and abundance of New Friends.
Howdy JoomlaUX’s friend
We are delighted to announce our JUX Weather forecast version 2.0.0 and JUX Gallery version 1.1.0 have released with some new features and awesome looks.
Dear valued customers,
On 1st January 2015, the Joomla! Product Leadership team has announced that Joomla! 2.5 support had ended on December 31st 2014. This is also means that from now on Joomla! Team will not develop and maintain for Joomla! 2.5.
We are in the progress of updating our extensions. And today, we will introduce to you guys our newest update for JUX Background Slideshow – one of the hottest items.
Good news for JUX Background Video’s customers. Version 2 of JUX Background video has been out with more options and functions.
We just rolled out a new extension called JUX Social Popup. This plugin will helps you increase number of followers in your social networking sites. It contains social’s like, share, follow buttons which will be displayed on Facebook, twitter and other 7 social page’s popup.
Have you noticed our JUX Coming soon released? If yes, quickly download it and let us know your opinion about this plugin. If no, let me help you getting closer to this extension.
JUX Coming soon is a plugin which helps you to display a stylish page when your side is under-construction or goes offline. The coming soon page includes countdown timer, detail contact form, newsletter subscription and 3 different styles background.
Dear valued customers,
We are so excited to announce the release of our brand new layout, designed with fresh look and user-friendly navigation, updated with the latest information about our products and services.
As you know we just launched a new product which is JUX Testimonial. In order to support you custom its styles, in this tutorial we will give you some tips to design by your own.
Dear customers,
We are so happy to introduce you our newest extension – Jux Testimonial. This is a component which could help you to display your customers, partner’s testimonial on your sites at different positions with 10 beautiful styles.
Facebook has been leader in social network field and also become an inspiration for many social network firms to develop similar products like google plus, twitter, Instagram, etc.
JUX Social stream is a product to help combine all of the popular social network interaction into one single network stream.
Dear valued customers,
2nd September is an important day in our country. This day 69 years ago, Vietnam declared independence from France. Therefore, since 1945, our country always celebrates this event and everyone in the country will be off from work on 2nd September.