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05 Sep, 2017

Sometimes, you feel uncomfortable with your Joomla site. There are tons of issues happening which stress you when managing the site. Finding it running slowly, scratching sometimes, or suddenly errors coming drive you crazy and feel like you cannot control your own site.

 Don't be too serious!

Why don’t you check how long you perform the health check your Joomla site? All issues just remind you that it's the right time for performing Health checks for your Joomla site. The post will handpick you seven essential health checks you must do to improve your Joomla site regularly.

#1: Backup your site

Yup! Backup always.

Never let all your effort lose in a blink of an eye just because of not backing up the site. This is a so so serious fault in your life. There are tons of back up plugins offering a quick backing up such as Akeebabackup, BackupBuddy, BackWPUp, Updraft, etc.


It does not take you lot of time but keep your site safe and sound.

#2: Update Everything

You might forget to update some extensions and components. The reason can slow down your site and sometimes cause unexpected errors. So let's check all components and extension and update all if they are in the update status.


#3: Fix permissions

The incorrect permissions can cause some errors that you do not know. I can keep you away from this issue with the tool: Admin Tools Extension. The component allows you easily and quickly define permissions to your site's folder and files.

#4: Database errors

Database errors easily occur when you apply the new updates and installation of third party extensions. Hence, after any updating or installing, you need to find and fix database errors.

To detect the database issues, you follow some simple steps: Go to Extensions > Manage > Database, and if found any, fix there.


#5. Clean/tmp/directory

Why do I should clean /tmp/directory? Because it’s the only one to get rid of numerous errors in your website which the /tmp/ directory, Joomla stores files temporarily cause during the installation.

It’s easy to clean /tmp/directory with the Admin Tools component to clean. Just click the “Clean tmp-directory” option to clean the directory. Done!

#6: Reinstall the Joomla core files

Seeing the rising of hassles coming from missing and corrupted files, you need immediately reinstall the core files of Joomla.

This option allows you to install a clean copy of Joomla and so solve any problems with corrupted or missing files.

Follow these simple steps: Go to Components > Joomla! Update => Click "Reinstall Joomla core files"

#7: Check hidden Malware

When all are done, you still in troubles and the site is still scratching, it might be hidden malware your site infected. Sucuri will be the great tool to check your site whether it is infected malware or not. The scanner will scan your website for malware, defacements, and spam injections. It will also detect whether your website server has been blacklisted.


Wrap Up,


Finding something strange on your Joomla site, please immediately perform these essential health checks for your site. If not. You will live with a slow site with often errors occurring and be out of control your site. You never let the unexpected errors slow the site down and give bad influence on your online business.

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