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29 Jan, 2018

We'd love to inform that JUX social Tabs has updated to version 1.2.0 with expected features. Users will give you better experiences in this module, so you should download the new version to get these updates.

Now we concisely list new features that our team update in this version.

  •           Update back-end config.

Creating a simpler backend that allows users to select and customize the social channels they wish to insert on the social tabs.

  •           Support drag/drop social config.

Get a new feeling on using drag/ drop social config that allows you set up the module is much convenient.

  •           Support ordering social icons.

The awesome module supports you order social icons position as you expect just by the drag-and-drop action only.

 Basing the demand for users, we launch new updates that create the better version of these awesome extensions. So, please check your inbox for the latest update news.

Also, you should take a journey on this awesome module again.

  •           Number 16

Stunningly, the combination 16 social networks profiles and unlimited feeds display into slick slide out or static tab with directly time update on your site.

  •           Easily update

JUX Social Tabs offers an easy way to update your activities on social networking site. These features allow your visitors to view all of your posts and interact with you directly on your site without browse another tab.

  •           2 Tab Styles 

The module allows users to display in 2 styles: Sliding tab and static tab

  •           Flexible display

You can rearrange and reposition the module in different places on the site such as top, middle, bottom, left, right and so on.

IUX Social Tabs got lots of good reviews from customers and that encourages us to be better and better always. And now you should take a journey on this module instantly to look how great the module can be.

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